Spontex offers a complete range of high quality cloths, scourers, gloves and mops, designed to make cleaning less effort, quicker to get done, and wherever possible a bit more fun! We understand that there's ALWAYS something better to do than housework!
10 things you probably didn't know about SPONTEX
October 28, 2016 by Spontex
To launch our brand new blog we thought we’d share some fun facts about the history of Spontex and what we’re getting up to now! Keep reading to find out why we love hedgehogs and have strong feelings about the correct topping for cheese on toast…
1. We ain’t from round here!
Well, we weren’t originally. Spontex began in France in 1932 when we designed the first cellulose sponge, in fact that’s where the name came from, sponge – textile, Spon–tex!
2. We liked to be beside the seaside.
When we first came to the UK in 1935 we were based in Bromley, Kent but soon moved to Swansea so we could receive raw materials by sea. There are even reports of the Spontex staff spending summer lunchtimes stretched out on the beach at the back of the factory, nice work if you can get it!

3. It started with a sponge.
Originally we only made larger sponges for household and car cleaning. We began branching out in 1956 when we launched a revolutionary sponge cloth. They proved so popular we’re still selling them now, 60 years later!
4. We’re rather fond of hedgehogs.
Ok, this one you might know, we do talk about hedgehogs quite a lot. And they’re on our packaging. And in our logo. And our adverts... But why? We adopted the hog as our mascot in 1999 because it’s scrubby on the back and smooth underneath, just like our scourers. Since then it’s been our ambassador and unconventional product tester, you can see the hog take a tumble and make a new friend in our latest mop advert here on our YouTube channel!
5. We’ve been busy…
From humble beginnings we’ve expanded to ensure our range can handle any kind of cleaning task. We now sell over 100 different products in the UK. In case you were wondering what our most popular product is, it’s the Washups. We sold millions of packs last year, what a lot of scrubbers!
6. We’re a little bit saucy…
Spontex HQ is now based in Worcester in the West Midlands, where the sauce comes from! So we don’t do quite so much sunbathing these days but we do have great nights out at the rugby and cricket and also know how to make the world’s best cheese on toast!
7. With great power comes great responsibility.
We know we’d be nothing without you, which is why we regularly try to give back to our community. As well as the usual office fundraising events for big charity days (any excuse for a bake sale!) we also try to get involved with worthy causes in our local area. In the past we’ve cleaned a local animal shelter, donated kits to children’s football teams and raced dragon boats to raise money for Birmingham Children’s Hospital. You can find out more about our charitable exploits by visiting our Community Matters page here.
8. Brace yourself, here comes a bit of a brag…
If Spontex is your favourite brand when it comes to cleaning your home you’re in good company. We’re the nation’s No1 cleaning tools and gloves brand*, in your face competitors!
…and we’re very modest about it too, which is the nice thing.
9. Viva España! and Italy and France and Germany and…
It’s not just France and Britain who get to enjoy the crème de la crème of cleaning supplies, oh no! Combined with our professional division, MAPA, we’ve made our way across the globe, you can now find us in more than 80 countries worldwide.

10. We don’t think you have to love cleaning to make great cleaning products!
In fact, we’ll happily say that there’s ALWAYS something better to do than housekeeping, which is why we design products which make cleaning less effort, quicker to get done, and wherever possible a bit more fun.
As our products have been in UK homes for 90 years now we’ll bet some of you have great stories to share about our brand and your experiences with it. Why not visit our testimonials page and tell us why you love Spontex?
*Source: * IRI total cumulative value sales for cleaning tools and gloves; 52 w/e 01.10.2016.